Marechaussee makes arrest on suspicion of falsifying COVID tests
The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee (KMar) on Bonaire arrested a 42-year-old woman on Wednesday, 6th of October, 2021, on suspicion of forgery and/or fraud. The woman is suspected of being responsible for issuing several tens of false commercial COVID tests to people who were tested before their flight to the United States. This concerns both antigen and PCR tests.

When the travelers concerned handed over the test results on Saturday the 2nd of October in order to check in for their flight, doubts arose about the authenticity of the documents. It soon became apparent that the agency under whose name the test results were issued was not aware of the group of travelers and never issued them a test result. The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee was called in for this.
The KMar has launched an investigation into the case and is working closely with the Dutch Caribbean Police Force (KPCN) and the Public Health Department of the Public Entity Bonaire (OLB). One suspect was arrested in this case, who has also already been detained.
By virtue of her position, the suspect was involved in conducting commercial PCR and antigen tests, further investigation should determine whether she abused her position to falsify the tests. The KMar is also investigating whether there have been previous incidents in which the suspect was guilty.