Central Dialogue comes up with vision on socio-economic themes

Recently, in the Central Dialogue Bonaire, an agreement was reached on a Collective Policy Framework 2020-2023 under the revealing title 'A bright future'. In this agreement all topics are stated in the social, economic and ecological field, on which the Central Dialogue wants to work steadfastly for the next three years.

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The common goal is to achieve an attractive Bonaire for all inhabitants, companies and institutions, both socially, economically and ecologically. Ultimately it concerns sustainable prosperity and well-being for everyone. Poverty policy and work must go hand in hand with a good investment climate for companies. The costs of both business and living expenses should not be too high, as is often the case now. The Central Dialogue will continue to discuss this with the State Secretary of SZW, Tamara van Ark, as previously agreed with her.

The activities and results of the Central Dialogue for 2019 have been brought together in the Annual Report 2019. Additionally, the Central Dialogue has recently issued advice on some important components of social legislation. 

Modernization of labour legislation
In its advice on modernization of labour legislation, the Central Dialogue advocates the compulsory written record of employment contracts, the right to feed and pump maternal milk for breastfeeding workers and a ban on night work (00:00 – 06:00 AM) for pregnant workers, the introduction of paid short-term leave in the event of an emergency as unforeseen doctor's or hospital visit by the employee or its close relative or necessary care of a sick relative on the first day of illness, introduction of paid leave for employees who have to accompany a family member abroad for medical treatment and introduction of paid maternity leave for 2 ½ days for the partner being an employee.

Working Conditions Act
On request of the State Secretary of SZW, the Central Dialogue advised on a draft bill to modernize the health and safety legislation. The Central Dialogue broadly agrees with such measurements, but does have several questions for clarification and calls for attention to be paid to e.g. the administrative burden and a careful implementation process.

On April 16th and 20th 2020, the Central Dialogue on Bonaire will meet again. One of the topics to be discussed will be the employment permit policy.

All aforementioned documents can be found on www.centraaldialoogbonaire.com.