Wibo de Vries successful from correctional worker to director, a 30 year anniversary
Wibo started his career at DJI (Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency) in 1988 at the “Bijlmerbajes”.

He then worked at the “Noordsingel” in Rotterdam, the correctional facility in Leeuwarden and the prison “Norgerhaven” in Veenhuizen. He left for Curacao in 2009 to provide assistance to the SDKK prison. In 2013, he applied for the job of deputy director at the JICN Bonaire, from that moment Wibo came into local service of the Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland. Since April 1st, 2017 Wibo is director of the JICN. Wibo is a man with a lot of experience who has found his place on Bonaire and he wants to contribute to a good prison for The Caribbean Netherlands. He also supports the strengthening of the judicial chain in the region.