ILT's enforcement actions at BOPEC (update 2)

The Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (ILT) has agreed to BOPEC's request for more time to demonstrate that the necessary financial resources for the recovery plan will be available.

Update BOPEC 2

BOPEC's request is in a paper submitted on January 5th. The opinion is a response to the intention of the ILT to impose an order under administrative coercion (LOB).

The LOB is about the demand for BOPEC to empty the tanks and pipelines, unless the company can demonstrate that the overdue maintenance can be eliminated and the violations can be rectified.

The opinion of BOPEC also includes a new planning for the repair work and reports of recent technical studies. With the whole, the ILT has received sufficient information to decide on the possible imposition of the LOB. The ILT will decide after January 19th, when it is clear whether BOPEC will then have sufficient finances available.