Relief for companies in tourism industry on St. Eustatius and Saba
In the aftermath of hurricane Irma, the influx of tourists to St. Eustatius and Saba has decreased. Companies in the tourism industry are consequently negatively affected.

This is why the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, EZK) is currently working on a measure for companies in the tourism industry.
What can be expected of this relief:
- Companies which in terms of turnover are completely dependent on tourism, qualify for relief.
- Companies which are only partly affected do not qualify for relief.
- Companies which qualify for relief, include companies which are listed in the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce with one of the following activity codes as main activity: 6700- 6759, 7212, 7220, 7221, 7612, 7613 8311, 8511, 8518, 9678 and 9701.
- The relief shall apply for the period September 2017 up to and including February 2018 (half a year).
- The relief amounts to 25% of the expected annual turnover.
- Entrepreneurs may submit an application for relief after the scheme has become available. Entrepreneurs should submit turnover figures over 2014, 2015 and 2016 to substantiate the application for relief.
Information about when the scheme becomes available will be published as soon as the scheme has been completed. The aim is to make the scheme available as soon as possible and expectations are that this will be late January.