Letter to Parliament regarding InselAir International

The ILT has supported and advised the CCAA on the re-certification of InselAir International. In January 2018, a  CCAA team carried out an administrative inspection and in February 2018,  a team of ILT inspectors were on the location.


Conclusions of the ILT are:

  • cooperation between ILT and CCAA on the re-certification of InselAir International  went well;
  • findings of the inspection by the CCAA with InselAir International are shared, were handled well and the necessary improvement measures are implemented;
  • with the management of InselAir International, it was agreed that the increased surveillance by the CCAA, which was set in 2017, will be continued in the coming period and that the process of the solutions will be closely monitored by CCAA and feedback will be asked of the ILT. Consultation will take place every two weeks by the CCAA with the technical staff of InselAir International in order to the safeguard progress;
  • as a result of these developments and agreements the confidence of the ILT in the functioning of an effective and independent monitoring by the CCAA is restored.
  • Based on the conclusions the of ILT, the minister of I&W decided to lift the travel ban for civil servants for the Central Government to travel with InselAir International.

*Translation of the complete letter in English and Papiamentu will follow later on the website www.rijksdienstcn.com