JICN store Toko Leny: an important step towards rehabilitation and employee retention
Today, Wibo de Vries, director of the Caribbean Netherlands Correctional Institution (JICN), officially opened the internal store ‘Toko Leny’. This project was initiated by Karel Martis, whose dedication made the realisation of this store possible.

‘Toko Leny’ not only offers prisoners the opportunity to buy essential products, but also to actively contribute to the daily work in the store. They help with tasks such as packaging goods, filling shelves and managing stock. However, the cash register work remains reserved for the store staff.
In addition to the focus on prisoners, the store also plays an important role in retaining experienced employees, at the initiative of director Wibo de Vries. The store also offers workplaces to older employees who can no longer fully participate in regular work. These ‘sheltered places’ give them the opportunity to continue their careers in a dignified manner.
At the moment, three quartermasters are active to make the shop operational. If everything runs smoothly, vacancies will be advertised to fill the workplaces. ‘
Toko Lenny’ has an important educational and rehabilitative function. Prisoners learn to take responsibility, plan and work within clear rules. This prepares them for a successful return to society.
To keep the shop safe and respectful, strict rules apply. Items such as intoxicants, indecent, inflammatory and blasphemous products are prohibited.
With the opening of ‘Toko Leny’, the JICN is taking an important step. Thanks to the efforts of Karel Martis and the initiative of director Wibo de Vries, the shop offers opportunities to both prisoners and employees. The project shows how rehabilitation and employee retention can go hand in hand.