Sports field JICN officially opened
The long awaited sports field of the Netherlands Caribbean Correctional Institution (Justitiële Inrichting Caribisch Nederland, JICN) was officially opened on Thursday the 24th of March by the Director of Prison Administration and Immigration Detention (Gevangeniswezen en Vreemdelingenbewaring), Monique Schippers. The new sports field is necessary for the expansion of the day programme of detainees and plays an important role in the reintegration process the JICN is working on.

The sports field was not previously included in the construction plans of the new facility at Plantation Aruba and has therefore now been built. Sport contributes to physical and mental health and is a legal right of the detainees. Moreover, sports in group form is a good way for detainees to develop social skills. This makes it an important part of the reintegration process, which is aimed at preparing prisoners as good as possible for their return to society once their sentences have been served. The opening of the sports field also makes it possible to expand the day programme, allowing detainees to participate in extra activities if they show desired behaviour.