New addition employees JICN successful thanks to basic training warder/complex security guard
Last Thursday (February 22th) was the festive graduation of the Basic Professional Training (in Dutch: Basis Beroeps Opleiding, BBO) and the training for the Internal Emergency Team (in Dutch: Intern Bijstands Team, IBT). The 11 graduates attended a heavy training program. The group was formed of new employees and employees who had already been employed a few months ago, but were not able to follow the training at that time. The trainers were from the Training Institute of the Custodial Institutions Agency from the European Netherlands to train the JICN employees in the same way.

Training custodian / complex security
In the custodian/complex security guard program, training is carried out on performing security tasks such as access control, inspections, body search and visit. There is also considerable effort when it comes to good communication, learning how to deal with deviant behaviour, acting during crisis situations or calamities and applying self-defence techniques. In addition, the guards and security officers must be able to provide in-house emergency response.
Training Internal Emergency Team
In the training for the Internal Emergency Team techniques are taught how to hand cuff and search. The use of a baton, pepper spray and shield was also discussed. Furthermore, various procedures are handled so that the guards are trained to respond adequately to every situation. They learn how to enter the various cells and how to guide detainees to, for example, a staircase or bus. The guards are trained in such a way that they can guarantee safety in every situation.
The employees were subjected to a number of heavy physical assignments so that the team can continue to communicate and function well, even under high pressure. Wibo de Vries, director JICN: "We are working hard on the continuity and development of our organization as a detention specialist. Training employees is an important part of this. Employees are given the opportunity to grow and there is a lot of effort in training. We are proud that these men have successfully completed the heavy training."