Free legal aid
Sometimes you need a lawyer. For example if criminal proceedings have been instituted against you or if you have to appear before the court. If you are going to divorce, you also need a lawyer. A lawyer can also help you when you have a problem with your landlord or employer.
If your annual income is equal to or less than the applicable minimum wage, you can apply for free legal assistance.
How do you request it?
You have to submit your application to the Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland (RCN) [National Office for the Caribbean Netherlands ].
- At the RCN reception desk, you say that you need a lawyer. You then give the staff member a brief explanation of the problem for which you need a lawyer. This is then noted on the form and a copy is made of your sedula or passport.
- You must also submit declaration from the tax authorities (Belastingdienst) that shows your gross annual income. They will look at your gross income from two years ago. If your annual income is equal to or less than the applicable minimum wage, you can apply for free legal assistance.
- When this form is completed and you have submitted all the requested information, your application will be processed. You will receive a copy of your application.
- The Legal Aid Board (Raad voor Rechtsbijstand) checks your personal data and checks whether your annual income two years ago is equal to or less than the currently applicable minimum wage. The Legal Aid Board also checks whether a lawyer is needed for your case.
- If this is the case, you will receive a card (decision), On the card is noted that you are entitled to free legal aid. You give the card to your lawyer who then knows he/she will be paid by the government.
- If the Legal Aid Board decides that you are not entitled to free legal aid, you will also receive a written decision.
- In it is stated why you are not entitled to free legal aid. If you do not agree with this, you can lodge an objection. This objection can be submitted to the RCN. Please not that you are not entitled to free legal aid for lodging the objection.
Criminal law
If you have a criminal law-related problem and you are arrested by the police or taken into police custody, you do not need to apply for a card. You then automatically get a visit from a lawyer or are given the opportunity to phone a lawyer.
Ring for an appointment or just drop in:
Bonaire | |
Adres: | RCN-unit SZW Centrum z/n Kralendijk | Bonaire, Caribisch Nederland |
Spreekuur: | Monday and wednesday between 13.00 and 15.30 pm Friday from 8:00 tot 11.30 |
Tel: |
+599 715 8888 |
Saba | |
Locatie: | RCN kantoor Saba |
Tel: |
+599 416 3934 |
Sint Eustatius | |
Locatie: | RCN kantoor Sint Eustatius |
Tel: | +599 318 3370 |