Means of existence provide an insight into the minimum income that you have available, to prove that you are able to maintain a livelihood for yourself and your family in the Caribbean Netherlands. See here how the IND-CN assesses your income and what you need to do.
The IND-CN works with standard amounts which are specified by law and serve as an indication. This means that the income should not be lower than the specified standard. The level of the standard amount that the means of existence must meet, mainly depends on the purpose of your stay and the size of your family.
The following standard amounts per month apply to children. These standard amounts must be part of your monthly gross income.
A child between the ages 0 and 6: $ 140 per month per child
A child between the ages 6 and 12: $ 200 per month per child
A child between the ages 12 and 18: $ 240 per month per child
Purpose of stay
Your purpose of stay specifies the (main) reason why you want to settle or live and work in the Caribbean Netherlands. For the following purposes of stay, the standard amounts serve as guidelines for the means requirement.
The standard amount which a person in paid employment must earn should not be lower than the gross minimum wage.
Please note: the gross minimum wage differs per island and is established annually by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, click here for more information.
You must prove that practising your profession or operating your business provides sufficient means of existence, meaning that you have an income which at least equals the gross income per month under the BES Minimum Wage Act (Wet minimumloon BES).
Please note: the gross minimum wage differs per island and is established annually by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, click here for more information.
If you have yet to start your business, you must prove:
By means of a statement issued by the bank that you have a bank balance of at least $ 20,160.00
The number of family members coming with you affects the size of the standard amount as follows:
If you are a single person with a child, your monthly gross income should not be lower than $ 1.680.00
If you bring your partner, the monthly gross income for a married couple should not be lower than $ 1,680
If you bring your partner and child, the monthly gross income for a married couple with a child should not be lower than $ 1,680 increased with the standard amount per child
One married couple with one child aged five years and one child aged eight years. The minimum monthly standard amount is calculated as follows: $ 1,680.00 + $ 140.00 + $ 200.00 = $ 2020.00
If you are a single retired person with Dutch or American citizenship, then your pension should be higher or equal to the island's monthly General Law on Old Age Pension (Wet Algemene Ouderdomsverzekering, hereinafter AOV) amount.
The AOV amount differs per island and can be found here.
The standard amount for a single pensioner who has citizenship other than Dutch or American is equal to $ 1,680.00 gross per month. The same standard amount applies to a married couple, provided that at least one of the partners has the standard amount ($ 1680) as the main sponsor.
As a long-term winter visitor you wish to stay within the public entities for a period of maximum six months per year.
The means of existence are sufficient, independent and sustainable if the income from pension or from other sources at least equals the monthly standard amount of $ 1,680.00
The standard for a married couple is twice the standard amount
Your income as a single person of independent means, should not be lower than $ 20,160.00 in interest or dividend per year.
The standard amount in interest or dividend per year for a married couple is: 2x $ 20,160.00
For a married couple with a child: 2x $ 20,160.00 + (child x standard amount x 12)
Your monthly income must be at least $ 599.00 after deduction of your enrolment and tuition fees.
There is no set standard amount as a means requirement, but generally it is up to you to prove that you have accommodation in place and that you can maintain a livelihood for yourself. You must also be able to indicate for which organisation you will work and how they will remunerate you. This organisation will also be your guarantor.
For individuals who do not have Dutch or American citizenship, the organisation will have to apply for a work permit.
Your income should be at least 50% of the gross minimum wage. The gross minimum wage differs per island and is established annually by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. You can retrieve it here.
Your monthly income may also comprise of an internship allowance, student finance or a combination of internship allowance and student finance. If the internship organisation reimburses costs and accommodation, this can also be included. A condition is that the total of aforementioned components should at least equal 50% of the minimum wage.
Changes in Residency Rules as of July 1st, 2024
New Income Requirements
Starting July 1st, 2024, new income requirements will apply for various residency purposes:
Work: Minimum $1,750.67 per month.
For family reunification, adoption and foster children, and retirees: The required income has been raised to 120% of the minimum wage, or $2,100.80 per month in 2024. For applications for children not born in the Caribbean Netherlands, a requirement of 140% of the minimum wage, or $2,450.94 per month in 2024 applies. Example: If you stand as a guarantor for the first person, you must have an income of 120% of the minimum wage. If you stand as a guarantor for two or more persons (such as children), you must meet an income requirement of 140% of the minimum wage.
For students: The income must be at least equal to 50% of the minimum wage, which in 2024 amounts to $875.34 per month.
Why these changes?
The increase in the minimum wage in the Caribbean Netherlands requires an adjustment of the income requirements. The standard amounts have not been indexed since October 10, 2010. This adjustment ensures that the standards remain in line with the current standard of living.
Transitional rules
Applications submitted before July 1st, 2024, will fall under the old standards. If you submit the third consecutive extension application after July 1st, 2024, the old standard will apply. For all other extension applications submitted after July 1st, 2024, the new standards will apply. Therefore, it is important that you timely assess what this change means for your situation and prepare for the new requirements.
Important to know
To shorten the processing time, the IND only accepts complete applications. Incomplete applications cause delays and can lead to a waiting period of 5 to 6 months. If all required documents are submitted completely, a permit can be issued within 2 weeks. Also, report your income to the Caribbean Netherlands Tax Office by filing an income tax return so that the IND can verify the income requirement.