Fees and payments
What does an application cost?
Fees are the costs of processing the application. This depends on the type of permit you apply for.
The fees are indexed annually on January 1st, and follow the level of indexation of fees in the European Netherlands. The percentage of 66% is related to the differences in purchasing power between the Caribbean Netherlands and the European Netherlands.
Payment options
You can only pay at the IND front desk with a debit card. You can also transfer your cash payment to the IND at the MCB bank or transfer the amount yourself via online banking.
Pay on time
You can pay the fees monthly up until and including the 24th. Make sure the application is submitted in a timely and complete manner within that same month. That way your application can be processed on time.
Payment by bank
When paying at the MCB bank or through online banking, you must state your CRV number as a payment reference. This number is at the top left of the permit. Additionally, you must state the full name of the person for whom the payment is being made. The bank account number of the IND is: MCB Bonaire 402.827.09.