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  1. CITES-permit-application-BES

    Applications for import or export can be submitted to, using an application form available here. 

    Form | 09-01-2018

  2. Flow diagram work permit

    Leaflet | 05-01-2018

  3. Written permission for travel abroad of a minor

    Form | 03-01-2018

  4. FINEB - I am still studying. Do I have to pay the loan back now?

    No, if you are still studying, you do not have to start paying back. You will receive the letter stating what the total of your ...

    Frequently asked questions

  5. FINEB - I (guarantor) have received a letter that my child will soon have to start paying back the FINEB loan. Did my child also receive a letter?

    We have sent a letter to all students who have received a student loan from FINEB. The address where we sent the letter is in the ...

    Frequently asked questions

  6. FINEB - The letter that I have received says that I have to check the details of the guarantor/debtor. How can I pass on that something has changed?

    You can pass on a change by sending an e-mail with your name, your sedula number and your address. You send this to ...

    Frequently asked questions

  7. FINEB - Can I already repay my student debt now?

    You only have to start paying back as per the date mentioned in the letter containing your total student debt. If you want to ...

    Frequently asked questions

  8. FINEB - I would like more information about the repayment of the FINEB loan. How do I get this information?

    You can find more information on this site. You can also download a brochure on this site with information about repaying the ...

    Frequently asked questions

  9. FINEB - I received a letter stating that I will soon have to start repaying my FINEB loan but the letter does not say how high my student debt is. How do I find out?

    You have received a prior notice letter stating that you must repay your FINEB loan to RCN-Studiefinanciering. Soon you will ...

    Frequently asked questions

  10. FINEB - The letter I received states that I received a student loan in the period from 2004 to 2010. However, I did not receive a FINEB loan over all these years. Are your details correct?

    By a student loan received in the period from 2004 up to and including 2010, we mean that you received a student loan during one ...

    Frequently asked questions