What does the Schadefonds do?

Six months ago I was attacked by force.

To handle this, I sought targeted help.

This was possible through a compensation from Schadefonds.

With my application it was helpful that I had filed a complaint.

The perpetrator was not found

but it was clear that my psychological injury came from the violent crime.

Sometimes Schadefonds collects information to assess the application.

For example from the police, from the judge or the public prosecutor.

Or, with my consent, from my healthcare provider.

Because my injury must be really serious.

If my healthcare provider does not have enough information

then the medical specialists of Schadefonds will assess the injury based on the available data

and Schadefonds will determine the amount that I’m entitled to.

The information will of course only be used for assessing my application.

The data for my application was promptly available.

As a result, I received my financial compensation quicker than expected.

And now, I’m doing much better!

Do you need assistance with your application? 

Go to Victims Assistance Office