Contact Public Prosecution Service

The opening hours of the Public Prosecution Service in Bonaire are unchanged until further notice. It is requested, however, to come to the counter as much as possible only for urgent matters. If it is necessary for you to come to the counter, we kindly request you to wear a mouth mask inside. All other matters can be handled by e-mail or telephone.

We request that you pay fines and damages online as much as possible. Below you will find instructions on how to make the payment.

Payment of fines:
You can transfer the fine to one of the following bank account of Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland:

Maduro & Curiel’s Bank: MCB 402.91.708
Royal Bank Caribbean:  RBC 84.00.000 180.87.2997
Banco di Caribe: BDC 30.638.802

Do not forget to mention your name and OPV number. You can email the proof of payment to:

Payment of damages: 
You can transfer damages to the third-party account of the BES Public Prosecution Service:

Maduro & Curiel’s Bank:  MCB 411.40.207
Adres:  P.O.Box 214, Bonaire C.N.

Do not forget to mention your name and Parquet number. You can email the proof of payment to:

Bonaire:              +599 717 8626