Corona Smart: maximum of 50 people, for adults both social distancing and hygiene important
As of May 6 2020, the new Emergency Ordinance COVID-19 with ‘Corona Smart’ measures applies. The ban on all events and meetings of more than 50 people remains in force, also on the beaches of Bonaire. In addition, all adults are obliged to keep a social distance of 1.5 metres in public places. Under these conditions and with strict hygiene regulations, most facilities on Bonaire can open again.

Although the risk is becoming smaller, it cannot be completely ruled out that coronavirus is present on Bonaire. Partly in view of the limited healthcare capacity on the island, a few emergency measures will remain necessary in order to prevent an uncontrolled spread of coronavirus. For instance, a complete ban on events requiring permits still applies. Meetings of more than 50 people also remain forbidden, in the public and private sphere, both indoors and outdoors.
In addition, everyone must keep a social distance of at least 1.5 metres in public spaces. This does not apply to children up to age 17 (amongst themselves) and to people living at the same address.
Facilities which will be open
Sports facilities (including swimming lessons), catering facilities and casinos are allowed to be open provided they can adhere to the maximum of 50 people, a social distance of at least 1.5 metres and strict hygiene measures. Contact sports are forbidden for adults. Children up to age 17 do not need to practise social distancing while doing sports, they are also allowed to do contact sports. Large tournaments are forbidden for everyone.
From May 11, the schools and childcare facilities will open again, with the application of hygiene measures, no more than 50 people at the same time in a room or outdoor space and a social distance of at least 1.5 metres. Here too, the social distance does not apply to children up to age 17 mutually, but it does apply to adults.
The hygiene measures are dictated by the Bonaire Public Health Department. This concerns for instance applying good and regular hand and cough hygiene, and regularly cleaning frequently used surfaces, equipment and toys. Furthermore, both adults and children must remain at home if they start to show symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, an elevated temperature or fever.
What remains closed
Sex clubs and nightclubs, dance clubs, spas and saunas will remain closed because the risk of the virus spreading is great, due to the physical contact or a confined space.
A more detailed summary and the complete Emergency Ordinance can be found here.