EZK compensation now also for companies with lower fixed costs
Since April 23rd, companies affected by the measures related to the coronavirus can apply for a contribution to their fixed costs. A condition to receive the one-off amount of $ 4,400 is that there must be at least $ 4,400 in fixed costs in the period from March 13th, 2020 through June 12th, 2020. Because many companies in the Caribbean Netherlands do not have such high fixed costs but do need help, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate (Economische Zaken en Klimaat, EZK) is expanding the allowance.

Companies that have $ 2,200 in fixed expenses from March 13th, 2020 through June 12th, 2020, while suffering at least $ 2,200 in loss of turnover related to the coronavirus, will be eligible for a one-off compensation of $ 2,200 in the new variant. An application for this additional variant of the regulation can be submitted as of today.
The original amount was taken over from the European Netherlands, where entrepreneurs in specific sectors can receive a one-off payment of € 4,000 if they have € 4,000 of fixed costs. The downside of this principle of equality was that many small entrepreneurs in the Caribbean Netherlands could not claim the compensation. The new variant was developed on the advice of the Chambers of Commerce of Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius.
The conditions remain unchanged for both the original and the new variant. For example, the company must be known to the Tax Office (BCN) on March 13th,, 2020 and must be located on Bonaire, Saba or St. Eustatius.
Because the Ministry of Economic Affairs has no executive department in the Caribbean Netherlands, the RCN-unit SZW carries out the regulation. More information regarding this compensation and the corresponding application forms are available at www.rijksdienstcn.com/covid-19 (under Emergency Package Government). Fully completed and signed forms can be sent by e-mail to tegemoetkomingEZK@rijksdienstcn.com until July 12th, 2020 at the latest.
For help with the application, please contact the Chamber of Commerce via steunloket@kvkbonaire.com. For urgent questions it is possible to contact the RCN-unit SZW at 781-5558 (Bonaire) or 319 -5693 (St. Eustatius and Saba).