Extension of ban on meetings and events
From March 27 the emergency ordinance is prolonged with a general ban on events. Gatherings of more than 50 people are also banned, both in the public and in the private atmosphere. Moreover, it is noted that the public beaches of Bonaire are no longer accessible for groups of more than 3 people. The casinos and sex clubs also need to close down. This was decided by the Island Governor on the recommendation of the Island Policy Team (IPT) to protect the population of Bonaire against corona virus. The ban takes effect immediately until, in any case, April 30 or a time as otherwise decided.

The Island Governor implemented a number of preventive measures to protect the citizens of Bonaire against corona virus. One of these measures is the ban on events for more than 50 people. This measure is now tightened, with a general ban on events and a ban on gatherings of more than 50 people in the public and the private atmosphere, both inside and in the open air.
This does not apply to gatherings that are required for the continuation of institutions, businesses and other organisations. It is, however, noted that there should not be more than 50 people present at these kinds of gatherings and that those present should (be able to) keep a distance of 1.5 metres.
What establishments are closed
Apart from sports and fitness clubs (including saunas), schools and childcare, sex-related businesses and casinos on Bonaire must now also close down. Hospitality establishments can remain open if they can guarantee a distance of 1.5 metres between guests and do not admit more than 50 people. An exception was made to schools for group 8 of the primary school and for examinations in secondary education. Childcare organisations can only remain open for the care of children of parents with vital professions. The Island Governor determines what vital professions are and the care is organised via employers.
Public beaches closed to groups
The public beaches on Bonaire are closed with immediate effect to groups of more than 3 people, with the exception of families. With the prospect of Easter many people started preparations to go camping, including at the beaches. The government is appealing to everyone to remove pallets and other materials that have already been placed as soon as possible.