Bonaire residents receive aid
As a result of the inventory by the Society and Care department of the Public Entity of Bonaire, up to and including March 23th, a total of 225 residents of Bonaire who were stranded in the Netherlands and abroad have reported themselves. Arrangements are being made with them regarding financial aid until repatriation. Repatriation will phased, so that all residents who are still elsewhere can be accommodated in mandatory and guarded quarantine.

After the airspace of Bonaire was closed to passenger flights to prevent the coronavirus from manifesting on Bonaire, residents of Bonaire who were in the Netherlands or abroad were also unable to return. Commissioned by the Island Policy Team (Eilandelijk Beleidsteam, hereafter EBT), the unit Society and Public Service of the Public Entity inventoried the number of people. Until March 23th, 225 residents of Bonaire have registered.
The civil registry has checked whether they are actually registered. This check has also been made for ZVK patients on medical transmission. From March 26th, the calling to all these people has started, to identify what help is required. Many residents indicated that they do not need financial aid, but prefer to return home as soon as possible.
Responsible repatriation is being prepared
Today, the EBT received advice from RIVM on whether it is justified to start repatriation, also taken in consideration of the fact that there are no infections yet on Bonaire. On March 26th, on the advice of the (EBT), the Island Governor ordered that preparations be made for the retrieval of residents of Bonaire. Repatriation will take place in phases on the advice of RIVM, because all residents who are still elsewhere must be sheltered responsibly. In compliance with the Public Health Act they will be required to undergo a mandatory 14-day quarantine. The operational EBT is currently working out all conditions and organizational aspects. Both the Public Health, and the Public Order and Safety Services are represented in the operational EBT. In this manner, the EBT meets the wishes of residents to return, while simultaneously guaranteeing the safety of the inhabitants of Bonaire.