Central Dialogue: Together we will get through the corona crisis
The parties participating in the Central Dialogue have set up two working groups: one examines the measures taken by the government to alleviate the social and economic effects of the corona crisis and the other focuses on the period in which it is responsible from a public health perspective to get the economy going again.

The Central Dialogue, the consultation platform of the Chamber of Commerce, ROW, USIBO and the local government, meets 8 times a year under normal circumstances. Because of the major impact of the corona crisis on Bonairean society, it was decided to meet more often (with due observance of all precautions, such as keeping a meter and a half distance). Since the first meeting devoted to the corona crisis on March 12th, the parties have met again twice.
The Central Dialogue appreciates the enormous efforts of the Island Policy Team (EBT). Everything indicates that sufficient measures have been taken in time to protect public health. In the meantime, the Executive Council focuses on the possibilities to minimize the social and economic consequences. The government cannot do this alone. Central Dialogue plays an important role by bringing together not only knowledge, but also a great deal of practical experience from all those involved. An integrated approach is required at this time. “Everyone is convinced that in this special time it is more necessary than ever to work together. Only with each other, by joining forces, will we get through this as an island well, "said Deputy of Economic Affairs Elvis Tjin Asjoe who temporarily took over the chairmanship of the CD while Jan Willem van den Braak is in the European Netherlands.
The first of the working groups set up analyzes how the support measures already taken, work out in practice and whether adjustments or additions are needed. Public health is paramount for the Central Dialogue, but once medical experts consider it justified to restart the economy, it is important to be well prepared. The second working group therefore looks at scenarios for when the restrictive measures (such as the entry ban) are scaled back.