Speech Island Governor 24-04-2020
Dear people,
As previously announced, we entered a new phase where people have tested positive for the coronavirus. As a result, we will communicate more often about the developments and the impact this situation has on each of us.

First, I would like to share the figures with you to date, April 24, 2020. A total of 228 people were tested. Amongst these, 190 were tested through the Covid Drive Thru and 38 through their General Practioner. The test of 1 person was inconclusive. The experts advised us to register this person as positive. A second person also had a positive test result. I informed you last week that we were waiting on the test results regarding another possible case. We can now inform you: the test results are negative. Thus, no additional measures need to be taken. Not a single positive case has emerged despite the fact that many people have been recentlty tested.
We are approaching the holidays. For the past 31 years we have celebrated the biggest cultural festival on our island on April 30: Day of Rincon. For the first time, this will be an official day off. Unfortunately, we can not meet this year for this beautiful event.
Record and share your celebration of Rincon Day with your family on social media so that each of us can feel the atmosphere of this great celebration.
During these days we also celebrate the birthday of our king Willem Alexander and the day of Antriol. Let us also consider these two celebrations. In these moments of crisis, we see the added value of being part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, if you notice how much aid we receive from the Netherlands. Today, Secretary of State Knops has announced humanitarian aid for those who need it most. In addition, utility companies on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba will receive subsidies for the coming months. Another beautiful gesture of the Netherlands that shows us that they have not forgotten us.
Finally, I would also to talk about May 1, which is labor day. Many companies and organizations had to adjust the way they treat their employees and customers, due to the coronavirus pandemic. Let every employee and entrepreneur make use of this moment of crisis to create new opportunities, in their career and in their company. For example, take an online course that adds value to your work. Start a new hobby with your children, play music together or cook together. These activities can bring families closer together in these difficult moments.
I wish the whole Bonairean people a happy King's Day, a happy Antriol Day, a happy Rincon day and a happy labor day.
Together against corona.